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ESSDesign is Electrical system and ASIC design company which has a experienced bipolar/CMOS analog design technology. We has a high technology in the field of capacitive sensing application using human body capacitance. The Capacitive Sensor Switchs (touch, non-touch) are on the production and it is widely used in LCD, TV, consumer electronics.

For the more, Infrared Communication Module, General purpose Motor Driver is developed and it is supplied to customers.


We have a many kinds of analog design library which can be used with customer request. From customer oriented specification, design, fabrication, test including QA, ESSDesign can give you a total solution.

For more information about ESSDesign and its products, please contact essd@essd.com, or call our Sales Department at +82-2-592-1450

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Full Digital Function Auto calibration Capacitive Sensor ASIC Developed.


With a powerful algorithm digital logic core, ESSD successfully introduce new concept capacitive sensor device in the market. (JUN 2004)


Differ from old technology, world patented new bust scan sensing method makes dramatic stability and performance. Samsung already launching new home cinema system with ESSD new ASIC.


Till this new digital capacitive sensor, ESSD achieved various load map in touch switch industries. You can choose suitable device as your requirement and application.


Direct touch : EM01, EM02, EM03


In-Direct touch : SS01*, SS02, SS501, ES16C


* ASIC product supplied with touch module which designed by ESSD. Especially Flexible Digital Soft TouchTM (FDST) is one of best solution for luxurious application

